Jack Donohue


Possessing over 40 years of domestic and international experience as a hydrogeologist and business executive, Mr. Donohue is CEO and Chief Hydrogeologist.  He leads a team of experts in water supply and resource planning, geology, hydrology, geophysics, remote sensing, geospatial data analysis, and related engineering disciplines.
His technical-professional focus is sustainable water-resources planning, development and management, with an emphasis on public and industrial groundwater supplies. A former environmental regulator, Mr. Donohue is active in the area of environmental regulation and public-policy development.

dennis albaugh

Chief Geologist

Mr. Albaugh has 45 years of experience in environmental geologic consulting, mineral exploration, and natural resource assessment.  His primary focus has been groundwater resource exploration, development, and permitting in a diverse range of geologic settings, with an emphasis on targeting regional, fracture-controlled systems. He has co-authored over 25 publications on various aspects of Appalachian geology, fractured bedrock hydrogeology, and neotectonics. He has planned, managed, and executed projects throughout the US, most of Central America, Canada and Europe.

Dennis has an A.B. in Earth Science from Dartmouth College and an M.S. from Cornell University in Geophysics and Geotectonics (with a Minor Field concentration in Air Photo Interpretation and Remote Sensing). He has been a member of the New Hampshire Geological Resources Advisory Committee (GRAC) since its inception in 1994 and has served both as Committee Secretary and Chairman.  He also sits on the New Hampshire State Mapping Advisory Committee.

Eben Kuchman

GIS Director

As GIS Director for NuWater Resources, Mr. Kuchman is responsible for the integration of hydrogeological, engineering, socio-economic and regulatory variables to facilitate project execution. 

Possessing 10+ years progressive professional experience in the application of geospatial technology, Mr. Kuchman began  his professional career in an apprentice role with two senior land use planners while in graduate school.  His experience includes roles as GIS support for the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill cleanup and restoration effort, and development of advanced classification datasets using Remote Sensing for a government contractor;  providing a well-rounded and unique perspective on the enormous potential of GIS Technology.